Challenge EDGE: Wake Vision Data Challenge Now Open!

Exciting news! The EDGE AI FOUNDATION is launching Challenge EDGE – a new series of technology challenges in partnership with academia and our industry supporters.

The first will consist of two challenges based on the Wake Vision data set. They will focus on advancing person detection in tinyML applications with high-quality datasets. This initiative aims to push the boundaries of edge AI technology and foster an innovative bridge between academia and industry.

This competition challenges participants to push the boundaries of ultra-low-power tiny computer vision through two distinct tracks:

  • Data-centric track: Enhance data quality to improve the test accuracy of a fixed model.
  • Model-centric track: Innovate model architecture to achieve high test accuracy while minimizing resource usage.

Participants will work on the common edge AI use-case of identifying whether a person is present in the image or not, leveraging the newly released Wake Vision dataset, designed specifically for resource-constrained, ultra-low-power devices.